what we do

Our mission is to create
meaningful change and
make the world a
better place.

At Ludba Foundation, we recognize that small businesses and entrepreneurs play a vital role in the economic growth and development of any community. However, many aspiring entrepreneurs from underprivileged areas and countries face numerous challenges in starting and growing their businesses, such as limited access to funding, markets, and technology. We believe that by providing support and resources to these entrepreneurs, we can help bridge the gap between underprivileged communities and the global economy.


Empowering Entrepreneurs


Food Banks

food donation

One of the areas where Ludba Foundation is particularly focused is supporting food banks. We recognize that hunger is a significant issue in many parts of the world, and food banks play a vital role in providing nutritious meals to those who need it most.

At Ludba Foundation, we are committed to supporting women’s shelters and providing a safe haven for women and children who are fleeing abusive situations. We recognize the critical need for women’s shelters and the role they play in supporting women who are experiencing domestic violence, homelessness, or other forms of abuse.


Women’s Shelters


Education Support

At Ludba Foundation, we believe that education is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a brighter future for individuals and communities. Unfortunately, many underprivileged individuals do not have access to the resources they need to receive a quality education.

At Ludba Foundation, we understand that natural disasters can have a devastating impact on communities both domestically and internationally. In the aftermath of an earthquake, flood, or other natural disaster, individuals and families may be left without shelter, food, or basic necessities.


Natural Disasters



At Ludba Foundation, we are committed to supporting orphans throughout Asia. We recognize the challenges that orphans face and the importance of providing them with the care and support they need to thrive.