Welcome to the Ludba Foundation!

Ludba Foundation is committed to supporting a range of causes and initiatives that enhance the lives of individuals and communities, thereby making a positive impact on the world.

About us

What we are doing

About us

What we are doing

Our commitment is to bring about positive change in the world through our support for diverse causes and initiatives aimed at enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities. Our goal is to effect significant improvements and contribute to making the world a better place.

What we do

How we help

who are we

Unite with us to end food hunger

Collaborating with local food banks and community organizations, we offer financial aid, essential resources, and volunteer assistance to bolster their endeavors. Our primary objective is to facilitate greater availability of healthy food for families and individuals facing food struggles.

Empowering Entrepreneurs

Empowering Entrepreneurs

Empowering underprivileged entrepreneurs for global growth.

We acknowledge the crucial contribution of small businesses and entrepreneurs to the economic progress and advancement of every community. Nevertheless, several aspiring entrepreneurs from underprivileged regions and nations confront several hurdles while initiating and expanding their businesses, such as inadequate access to financial resources, markets, and technology. We hold the belief that extending assistance and resources to these entrepreneurs can serve as a means to connect underprivileged communities with the global economy and address the existing gap.